It Came From YouTube: page 27

It Came From YouTube; Awkward Moments In WWE History!

Wow, “awkward” is right….

The two Sid clips are of course my favorites in the bunch.

Of course if they hadn’t put the Shockmaster clip in there there would have been a WrestleCrap riot!

Rodman Down Under Video Review With Phelous

Crapper Sean Bateman sent in this video of the Wrestling With Regret video series featuring Brian Zane and special guest Phelous!

In this episode they review the Rodman Down Under Pay-Per-View featuring Dennis Rodman vs. Curt “Mr. Perfect” Hennig!

Eric Embry Hates America

YouTube user timmy8271b posted this clip and wrote the following, and I couldn’t explain this any better!

I gotta say, this might be one of my favorite angles ever in USWA. The Spirit of America debuts to clean up the USWA of Trash. First we see a video promo of him outside with his trusty trash can. Eric Embry shows up and wonders what is going on.

He then proceeds to laugh at the Spirit of America and goes back in his car. A short time later, Embry is shown on Camera again and throws trash on the ground and laughs again. Spirit Of America almost starts to cry.

Words can’t do justice on how awesome this was. After that is Spirit Of America vs Tony Falk.

Wow, I mean really? A wrestling trash collector? Who would ever do that?

Never mind….

Vince should have totally booked The Spirit Of America vs. Duke “The Dumpster” Droese in a “Who hates littler more?” match with Woodsy The Owl as the Special Guest Referee.

Licence To Print Money!

Bam Bam And Big Sexy Love Slim Jims!

Crapper Chris answered my call for help finding this Slim Jim commercials above featuring Kevin Nash and he also found one featuring Bam Bam Bigelow!

Thanks very much, Chris!

Rusev And Lana Read Green Eggs And Ham

Crapper Paul S. writes:

Rusev is the best…

My Slime Is Now!

John Cena has revised his theme song for the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards!! I bet that URL is… probably taken by some weird 10 year old.

Meh, just let me know when Roundhouse is on.

Caged Heat Breaks Out In WOW!

Crapper Paul S. writes:

After being gone for nearly 14 years David McClane’s oddball women’s wrestling promotion WOW is back! Anyway for oldtime sake here’s a music video from the old syndicated show featuring the Women’s in Prison tag team Caged Heat.

Given that the original WoW had gimmicks based off Xena, Baywatch, and even James Bond the only explanation for this is that McClane must have built a time machine so he could rip off Orange is the New Black a decade before it ever aired.

Nailz should sue.

The Unstoppable Monster Returns To Raw!

No, your eyes are not deceiving you, Crappers!

The monster Gillberg has returned!

He Stands For Law, Order, And Trademark Violation!

Making his WCW debut, it’s The Big Boss Man!

Seriously, how did WCW think they wouldn’t attract the attention of WWE’s lawyers with this stunt?

License To Get Sued!

This Match Could Get Confusing If You Aren’t Paying Attention…

It’s Tatanka Vs. Tanaka!

Oh, why couldn’t Bobby Heenan been on commentary for this match?