It Came From YouTube: page 26

Jeff Jarrett Sings With My Baby Tonight (For Real This Time!)

Jeff Jarrett sings With My Baby Tonight! Yee-Haw! Not great, but not too bad either I guess…

Nailz Gets The Ultimate Threat!

Please enjoy this batshit crazy promo by The Ultimate Warrior on the former prison inmate Nailz.

Sadly the sure-to-be-a-classic match never happened because Warrior was fired before the house shows.

Oh well.

This WWF House Show Radio Ad Is Really Intense!

From 1991 here’s a radio ad for a WWF house show headlined by Flair Vs. Hogan.

I love how they decided to hire an announcer who sounds like the guy who does Monster Truck Rally ads. I expected him to shout “MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY!” somewhere in there.

Yes, if you don’t go to this house show you will miss the wrestling event of a lifetime!

This Greatest It Came From YouTube Submission In The History Of This Sport!!!

Crapper Adam Vanderpluym writes:

This is the greatest compilation of hyperbole in the history of this sport!!!!

Gee, and some people wonder why everyone started tuning Tony out around 1997…

Ric Flair – Used Car Salesman!

Crapper Autrach Sejanoz writes:

I’ll be honest, I thought this was legit his new career move at first.

More here and here.

Top-Notch Production Work

“Okay now, you’re going to remember to put a CGI graphic behind them on the green screen so this looks professional, right Joel?”

“Yeah, yeah…”

“You promise?”

Yes! Geez, get off my back. What kind of idiot do you take me for?! I’m not going to let this interview segment go to air with just the green screen showing Now get off my back and let me get back to playing Super Mario World!”

The Rock Reacts To The Scorpion King

The Rock guides us through some key scenes in the cinematic opus that is “The Scorpion King” as only he can.

It’s WrestleCrap! It’s BullCrap!

Crapper Paul S. sent this in.

John Cena is the voice of a talking bull in “Ferdinand”.

So yes, it’s not only WrestleCrap, but BullCrap too!

If you took a shot after every kids’ movie trope in this trailer you’d be dead!

Fish out of water?- TAKE A SHOT!

Underdog needs to believe in himself?- TAKE A SHOT!

Training montage? TAKE A SHOT!

Underdog falls in love and works hard to win her heart? PROBABLY TAKE A SHOT!

All that was missing was a fart joke and I’m sure there will be plenty of those in the movie.

How come the charismatic John Cena sounds bored out of his mind reading his narration? Did he just get back from reading the script?

Somebody get this man a 5-Hour Energy shot, pronto!

WWF Wrestling Buddies Commercial Gives Kids A Bad Example…

Oh yeah, try throwing your Wrestling Buddy at a police officer and let me know how that works out for you.

Good thinking, kid!

Hey, I just realized he threw a cop at a cop!! I bet that URL’s not taken!