It Came From YouTube: page 25

UWF Cookies!

Crapper Paul S. writes:

What wrestling fan couldn’t resist a “Dr. Death Steve Williams Oatmeal Pina Colada” cookie? Particularly in one with less appealing packaging than found at your children’s bakesale.

This commercial also mentions a new cookie coming soon called “The Herbie” which I can assume is covered in a white dust that isn’t powdered sugar.

But can they compete with WWF Superstars Oatmeal Cookies?

Missy Hyatt Hosts One Of The Worst Interview Segments Of All Time!

Crapper Drew Bludd writes:

I was thinking about Missy Hyatt today, for some reason, and wondered why she never went to work for Vince in the WWF.

Well, it turns out – she did. Her Wikipedia page says:

“While still under UWF contract, Hyatt was contacted about working for the World Wrestling Federation. Vince McMahon wanted Hyatt to replace Rowdy Roddy Piper and his segment, Piper’s Pit, with a new segment called “Missy’s Manor.” “Missy’s Manor” segments were taped on March 21 and 22, and April 23, 1987. The show was a disaster, and McMahon asked Hyatt to become a Federette, which were the ring girls shown at pay-per-views. She thought the role was beneath her, and she went back to the UWF.”

Here is one of the, uploaded by Missy herself, with guest Adrian Adonis.

Wow… Watching this is it any wonder these segments never made it to air?

Jimmy Hart Offers Kamala A Treat (Oh Boy…).

Crapper Paul S. writes:

There are times I love old wrestling.

This is not one of those times…

Like people thought this was ok to put on TV… in the 80s. Really…


Andre The Giant Tombstones A Guy! OUCH!

Our own Art writes:

There are three things noteworthy about this video from 1972:

  1. Andre The Giant is looking svelte.
  2. Andre does a tombstone piledriver.
  3. The announcer calls it a tombstone, nearly two decades before The Undertaker used it. When you factor in that it’s a Japanese announcer calling it an English name, you’ve got to figure that it was invented elsewhere and that the name “tombstone piledriver” dates back even earlier than this.

What do you want on your Tombstone? Huh huh huh…

The Story Of Sid And The Squirrel…

Crapper Gotch Gracy 3000 sent in this video of the story of Sid and the Squirrel (or; “Don’t abuse animals or it may come back to bite you”).

Santo And The Vengeance Of The Mummy

The Cinema Snob reviews Santo And The Vengeance Of The Mummy staring famed Mexican wrestling legend El Santo!

Terrible Ted The Wrestling Bear!

Crapper Paul S. writes:

From the Wrestling Gold DVD set featuring Dave Meltzer and Jim Cornette swapping wrestling bear stories!

I love their commentary! I could listen to Dave and Jim all day!

“Frantic Motions” is my new favorite euphemism. That would make for a great band name!

Yes folks, whether you want a wrestling bear or a wrestling Baer, we’ve got it all here at WrestleCrap!

Captain Lou Is Here And He Has A Hotline!

My old buddy Matt at Dinosaur Dracula found this commercial for the Captain Lou Albano hotline!

All I can say is the ol’ Captain would have gotten my money back in the day!

Wrestling With Wregret Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Cartoon

Since I’m probably never going to get around to reviewing the episodes, here’s the excellent Wrestling With Wregret episode on Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘n’ Wrestling cartoon!

Boy, oh boy was that a bad cartoon.

Kane Political Attack Ad Parody

This is really funny.

That is all.