It Came From YouTube: page 24

Hard Hitting Steve Austin-Dean Ambrose Interview

Pretty sure this was not a star-making performance…

Becky Lynch Makes A Shocking Discovery!

You just never know what… or who you’ll find at Comic Con sometimes! Just ask Becky Lynch…

More ignorance From Jimmy Hart And Steve Keirn

Crapper Paul S. writes:

Remember when I sent you that video of Jimmy Hart offering Kamala watermelon? It seems that’s not the only time he was racist on Memphis television…

See Jimmy Hart and Steve Keirn hate the Japanese because of something that happened in Vietnam. Which is thousands of kilometers away…

Wow… This is like so embarrassing it’s kind of funny, but also not very funny at all. Great find!

Hulk Hogan Promotes The Wrestling Boot Band On TV

Crapper Christoper Piatt writes:

Here is a promotional video that I found on a tape featuring Hulk Hogan promoting Bash at the Beach 1995 and his Wrestling Boot Band CD. It is worthy of an “It Came From You Tube” Segment. Love the site as I have been coming to it since 2000.

Awesome! Thank you for your kind comments and of course for this amazing submission!

I love anything having to do with Hulk Hogan’s Hulk Still Rules album!

Rene Goulet Crap

Christopher Haydu (AKA: Gotch Gracy 3000) writes:

Check this out, Mr. Kraft. A tribute to Rene Goulet that talks about his similarities to Michael Jackson and addresses those rumors of what Mr. Goulet likes to do in bed…. The epitome of WrestleCrap!

“It Doesn’t Matter” Video Featuring The Rock And Wyclef Jean

Crapper E-Squared writes:

I felt that it was long overdue, but better late than never. Anyway, looking at this video REALLY dates the song AND the video. The Rock was well in character with how he was in 2000 and it just really takes me back.

Plus, this song was a total gimmick, especially considering how popular The Rock was back then. Not that the song was bad, however.

I have no idea who the rapper is (not my kind of music) but I can say without hesitation that it sounds really stupid.

Lex Express “I’ll Be Your Hero” Music Video

Let’s all celebrate America’s independence the Lex Luger way – by laying on an American Flag pillow while wearing an American flag shirt while hugging ANOTHER American flag pillow.

I LOOOOOVE YOU Brothers And Sisters Of WrestleCrap!

Bruce Prichard might have been pretty awesome at playing the annoying, insincere sleazy preacher Brother Love, but this is still a stupid, one-note character that got on everyone’s nerves in a hurry.

The worst part is that they’d extend his interview segments to like 15 or 20 minutes at a time!

UWF Cookies!

Crapper Paul S. writes:

What wrestling fan couldn’t resist a “Dr. Death Steve Williams Oatmeal Pina Colada” cookie? Particularly in one with less appealing packaging than found at your children’s bakesale.

This commercial also mentions a new cookie coming soon called “The Herbie” which I can assume is covered in a white dust that isn’t powdered sugar.

But can they compete with WWF Superstars Oatmeal Cookies?