It Came From YouTube: page 20

WWF Spin Fighters Toy Commercial

So WWF Spin Fighters were toy tops that crashed into each other until one knocked the other one out of a little plastic table.


You can see a closeup of them here.

The German WWF Full Metal Album Ad Is Weird.

So basically in this German ad Razor and Diesel go nuts over the WWF Full Metal album.

They actually like their copies came with free fanny packs or something.

Harvey Wippleman And Giant Gonzalez Are Ready For Undertaker

My big takeaway from this is that Giant Gonzalez speaks English (and pretty well, too!).

I love how he lumbers around behind Harvey making scary faces.

Heidenreich Vs. Alabama Doink In A Casket Match

You saw them wrestle at The Golden Corral, now watch Heidenreich take on Alabama Doink in a casket match!

Meng Speaks To The People- Too Bad Nobody Understands Him…

Crapper Andrew Sarkis writes:

You need to put this up on wrestlecrap for the next “It Came From Youtube”. Haku/Meng is Interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund and Meng doesn’t speak English, but his own language, probably Menglish.

I can’t possibly hope to top that joke, so I’m not even gonna try…

A Humble Garbage Man Confronts Royalty

Duke “The Dumpster” Droese confronts Jerry “The King” Lawler on an episode of Raw.

Let me summarize it for you:

Duke: You stink!

Jerry: No, you stink!

Duke: No way, you smell worse than my garbage!

Jerry: You smell worse than Jim Carrey’s poop.

What a riveting feud. I think they had one of those WWF Superstars feuds that most people didn’t actually see.

Braun Strowman Reads Lines From…Juno?!?

Crapper Autrach Sejanoz submitted this video of Braun Strowman reading lines from the movie Juno without comment.

And really, what could one possibly say about this?

Jeff Jarrett’s Hall Of Fame MMA Dojo

I know folks are gasping at ol’ Double J being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame after he stuck Vince up for money years ago, but seriously, how can a man who participated in this awesome skit be held out?

WWF Wrestling Ring Electronic Game Review

I came across this review of a WWF Handheld Electronic Video Game from 1998 and… well, it just looked pretty stupid and lame and cumbersome (shaped like a wrestling ring!) and I thought it screamed “WRESTLECRAP!” so there you are.