Who wouldn’t want to hang out at Universal Studios with TNA’s Shark Boy and Popeye? Ol’ Sharky is so big…and burly…And listen to Don West shill! I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a Fish Market Street Fight today. Sadly, we don’t get a Claire-Lynch-as-Olive-Oyl cameo. Gimme a Shell Yeah! A-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah!
It Came From YouTube: page 2
Will Sasso Talks About Wrestling Bret Hart
Former MAD TV alum Will Sasso sat down with Chris Van Vliet to talk about his skits and eventual match against Bret Hart in WCW. It’s a fun and fascinating look at the insanity that was WCW putting a comedic actor in the ring with one of the biggest stars of all time. We even get a lil Stone Cold Steve Austin impersonation as the cherry on top.
It’s Steven Flowe
If you’ve listened to rock radio at any point over, say, the past 30 years, you’ve heard Pearl Jam’s grunge classic “Even Flow“. It was also the name of Raven’s DDT. The point is, you know what this is.
Now, decades after grunge’s heyday, we now have Steven Flowe! Just listen to his amazing theme song and tell me it’s not instantly stuck in your head. Will this silly song going viral propel Steven Flowe to be the next Joe Hendry in TNA and NXT or will it be like the pizza guy in AEW?
Either way, we’re now all humming “Whooaaaa Steven, StevenStevenStevenStevenStevenSteven!”
Happy New Year From WWF 1983
Much like their Christmas wishes, the 1983 roster of the WWF wants to wish you a Happy New Year. We even get their resolutions. Starting off with Iron Mike Sharpe is certainly a choice, but we also get Mr. Fuji, Captain Lou Albano, and Ivan Koloff. What a cast of characters that launched us into 1984.
Happy Holidays from WWE
This WWE holiday video throws it back a few years in both terms of roster and an almost-Camp WWE-style animation. There’s Fandango, El Torito, Bad News Barrett, and even a skipping AJ Lee! I think I found a new .gif for you, Deal!
The title says “Happy Holidays”, but it’s really a Christmas video. I guess Barry Horowitz, Goldberg, Colt Cabana, and I will just have to have our own cartoon holiday party instead. Hunter and Steph can light the menorah too!