It Came From YouTube: page 18

WWF Superstars Arcade Attract Mode

I know a lot of folks prefer WrestleFest, but for my money the best arcade wrestling game in history is Superstars. It’s much faster, has better reversals, and is just more fun.

Plus it has Randy Savage and Andre the Giant. And look at Virgil counting the money!

And that’s not even including Elizabeth looking at your junk when you win the belts. 😉

No Holds Barred Trailer

Oh man, the original trailer for the greatest movie Vince McMahon even wrote while coked up in a hotel room (allegedly).

Even more amazing in retrospect is you can tell they were trying VERY hard to appeal not just to wrestling fans, but to a larger audience.

An untapped audience that really wanted to see Hulk Hogan get it on with Joan Severence apparently.

Bobby Lashley’s “Sisters”…featuring AEW’s Max Caster

Tremendous television here.

It’s kinda amazing the show wasn’t cancelled immediately after this fiasco aired.

Or that Max Caster, here as “Frances”, didn’t abandon the business altogether too!

Bryan Alvarez Vs. The Ideal Canadian!

Hey look, it’s my buddy (and Death of WCW co-author) Bryan Alvarez in action taking on a mysterious masked man known only as the Ideal Canadian.  Who, oh who, could that be?

Here’s a hint – he’s a famous wrestler, having competed in WCW, WWE, and ECW. Guess in the comments below! 😉

THAT Cody Rhodes Promo

Oh yes, this one, where he gave us all a lesson in US history.

I love that AEW captioned it with “What did he say?”

Honest to goodness, it’s almost a year and a half later and I still don’t really know.

Tony Schiavone Turns HEEL In TNA

From the “wow, this sure didn’t age well” file would come this nugget from NWA-TNA with Tony Schiavone turning heel for, well, no real reason that I could comprehend.

On the plus side his shirt rocked.

I like it much more than the earrings he’s sporting these days.

Ultimate Warrior And Phil Collins Dance Together

A blast from the past for sure! Can’t believe it’s been fifteen years (!!!) since I originally posted this on YouTube, holy smokes.

And obviously a lot of smoking was done when someone came up with this originally.

And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t tobacco.

Hell Comes To Frogtown Trailer

The amazing, incredible, and long ago inducted Roddy Piper classic gets a brutally honest trailer!  Not sure I could have done a better job encapsulating the entire film into two minutes, so bravo guys!

AEW’s Nightmare Collective Scalps A “Fan”

Anytime someone asks me about the worst of AEW, I always scream “Nightmare Collective.”

This would be just a small example of this ill-advised stable featuring heel Brandi Rhodes.

Thankfully it was short lived. But not short enough.

Note to self – induct this already, RD!

Paul Heyman And Terry Funk At The 1993 Nintendo World Championship

Super rare and incredibly cool find by BAHUFMW on Twitter, give him a follow won’t you?

Worth watching if for no other reason than to hear how Paul E. pronounces the name MARIO.