It Came From YouTube: page 17

WCW SuperBrawl SNES Character Select Screen

Look at this incredible line up!

Look at this absurd select screen!

And yes, amazingly, the actual game itself is even worse.

That takes talent!

“Impomptu” Michael Hayes Concert


Totally not planned.

Not at all.

Just flat out lucky they had that music at the ready!

Andre the Giant on Letterman

Andre yukking it up with David Letterman is…well…kinda nice to see isn’t it?

Just a few years later, Andre would be in constant pain and always kind of miserable.  Here, he’s laughing about airplane food and crappy Japanese beds.  And his foot cast was good for a laugh too.

I don’t know that I believe him when he said he stopped drinking though. 😉

Grunt – The Wrestling Movie Trailer

What could be better than a wrestling movie from the 1980s?

One featuring an honest to goodness DECAPITATION.

Inducted this one years ago, but honestly it’s probably better in two-minute trailer form.

Original XFL Commercials

The XFL is back!

Or will be soon I guess.

Here’s some amazing commercials from the league’s original run, where you could apparently buy official footballs and try to impress skanky cheerleaders.

At least that’s what I got out of it.

King Kong Bundy Sells Computers as an Alien

I remember seeing commercials with Bundy shilling computers back in the day, but I sure as heck never saw this one.  Here we get the condominium on legs as not himself but a freaking ALIEN.

I don’t know if that sold many computers, but rest assured “HeadStart Explorer Computer” just became a permanent search on my Craigslist.

Hulk Hogan On Johnny Carson

So like a million years ago, Johnny Carson was the biggest name in late night entertainment.  Here we have a clip of the Hulkster fresh from Rocky III, explaining to the world this new phenomenon known as Hulkamania.

Yes, once upon a time that was a NEW thing.

Not quite sure why he didn’t try to make “It’s like a new cult!” as one of his normal catch phrases.

WWF WrestleMania NES Commercial

I don’t care what anyone says, this game absolutely sucks.

The commercial does too. Even Randy Savage was like, “Nah, just send in a guy with my robe, I ain’t showing up for that pile of crap.”

Can’t blame him!

The Rock Shills Boner Pills

The list of issues may be a bit long, but I’m sure you’d all agree it’s well worth it.

Jeff Jarrett Taps Out Little Kids

While it may have taken men like Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe a lifetime to learn the finer points of mixed martial arts, good ol’ Double J mastered it in a couple of weeks.

Watch as he taps out children and leaves them laying in a heap.

Screw when he held up Vince for a quarter mil to job to Chyna, this was truly his finest hour.