It Came From YouTube: page 13

Ricky Starks Meets Ryback

Long before he joined AEW, Ricky Starks was just a hapless “arena worker” trying to have a little nosh. Ryback was having none of it, smashed food in his ear (!) and unceremoniously slammed Starks through a table.

That was very rude of the Big Guy. Ricky was just trying to enjoy a tuna sandwich. Perhaps Ryback was confused because the can said “Chicken of the Sea” but there was no chicken in it.

Danhausen Bakes Cookies

AEW fan-favorite Danhausen bakes us a delicious batch of berry white chocolate chip cookies while being very fashionable, very handsome dressed as The Rock.

“Extract the vanilla beans!” should be his new catchphrase. Maybe an AEW cookbook is in the works.

Love that Cookiehausen!

Shawn Michaels Visits MuchMusic

Shawn Michaels paid a visit to MuchMusic in 1996. He talks about winning the Royal Rumble, ladies, and Wrestlemania XII. The interesting thing about this appearance, though, is that HBK talks about coming out on the losing end of a real-life fight in Syracuse. Would you believe it was someone else’s fault? Yeah, me neither.

Too bad he didn’t stick around to appear on Loud and Electric Circus.

Art Donovan On The Tonight Show

NFL Hall Of Famer and WWF commentating legend Art Donovan stops by The Tonight Show.

And, yes, he does actually talk about weight.

Corey Taylor vs Baron Corbin: Part 2

On last week’s It Came From Youtube, the Corey Taylor/Baron Corbin feud ignited. This week, the Mega Mallgoths explode.

The war of words continued as Taylor sat ringside during Corbin’s match. After being poked in the chest by Corbin, Taylor decided to give the not-yet-Constable Corbin a Rick James-style open-handed slap. Eventually, Samoa Joe picked up the win and Taylor went on to make music of questionable quality.

For a company that loves celebrity involvement, it’s kind of surprising that this was never on television. It’s not like WWE has never been involved with metal bands. Maybe Vince prefers Mudvayne over Slipknot.

Corey Taylor vs Baron Corbin: Part 1

Before he was Happy Corbin and before he was King Corbin, Baron Corbin was just…Baron Corbin. He didn’t really have a gimmick other than being a tall guy with tattoos. I guess he was kind of like a bully at the mall, hanging outside Hot Topic, hassling people to listen to his band.

Back in 2015, NXT had some matches at the hard rock/metal Aftershock Festival. Seems that ol’ Bully Corbin didn’t take to kindly to Slipknot‘s Corey Taylor headlining over the black and gold brand. The two jawed back and forth, but sadly, Corbin never got to hand Taylor his band’s demo tape.

Brooke Hogan Sings The National Anthem

When she wasn’t doing whatever it was she did in TNA, Brooke Hogan sang. And what better way to celebrate the Fourth Of July than hearing the Hulkster’s daughter since the American and Canadian national anthems during the 2004 Stanley Cup finals? It’s what our Founding Fathers would have wanted.

You know what? She does a good job! Eat your heart out, Rockin’ Robin.

Eddie Sharkey’s Pro Wrestling Camp

Here’s a fun throwback: Eddie Sharkey‘s Pro Wrestling Camp VHS. It doesn’t exactly get off to a great start as “Wrestling” is misspelled at the very beginning, but we do get interviews, mullets, and the finest music Cinemax After Dark has to offer.

Get ready to hit the gym, stretch properly, and tuck your chin when you bump. If it worked for the Road Warriors, Ravishing Rick Rude, and, uh, The Warlord, then Eddie Sharkey’s Pro Wrestling Camp is for you!