It Came From YouTube: page 11

Celebrate Hanukkah With Drew Gulak

It’s Hanukkah! 8 wonderful nights of songs, latkes, and, of course, playing dreidel.

Drew Gulak is a mensch and shows other WWE Superstars the joy of playing this classic Hanukkah game. He’s bringing culture to the locker room during the Festival Of Lights and I am here for it. I’m enjoying the looks of utter confusion melting away into total delight once they start playing.

We even get old NXT tag team The Ascension at their most likeable. They’d still be in the WWE today if they played dreidel every week live on Raw.

Drew, you have an open invitation to come on over next year for some sufganiyot and no-nonsense, mat-based wrestling.

Merry Christmas From AEW

Some of your favorite stars let us know what AEW gave to them for Christmas. Darby says a skateboard. Sure, that makes sense. Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt mention their “pet dinosaur” Luchasaurus, which may go against certain state laws about owning reptiles. Kenny Omega says a V-trigger, which, I guess, means they gave him the move? Or they gave him his knee? Hmmm.

What I do know for sure is that MJF is the best, rightly pointing out that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas and therefore gets nothing. Thank you, Max. I’ll save a plate of Chinese food for you on December 25th.

CM Punk’s Diet Soda

Now that he’s back with the WWE, lots of people will want to revisit CM Punk’s greatest moments with the company. There’s the “pipebomb” promo or when he won the WWE championship or his feud with Big Daddy V.

Personally, my favorite was the saga of John Cena vs. Punk’s diet soda.

“John! What are you doing?! John, my diet soda! What are you doing?!” gets me every time.

WWF Superstars Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is just a few days away. What should we be thankful for? Classic wrestling clips on Youtube, of course!

WWF Superstars are telling us what they’re thankful for before Survivor Series. In just a few short seconds, we learn more about these wrestlers than in today’s never-ending 20 minute promos.

We’ve got Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Demolition…and “The Model” Rick Martel! I’d be thankful for a big atomizer of Arrogance. If only we had gotten Earthquake and Dino Bravo talking about how Thanksgiving actually took place in October.

WWE needs to bring back these pronto.

Ethan Page Buys Batman Toys

“All Ego” Ethan Page takes us (and The Gunns) to a toy shop in Winnipeg and picks up a bunch of Batman toys. There’s some really cool stuff at this place, so check it out and drool over your forgotten youth.

Do I smell run-in on The Joker’s Mustache?

Introducing Basket Case

The NBA season has begun and what better way to celebrate than with the evilest basketball player of them all, Basket Case?

RD inducted this triple-double of a WCW gimmick not too long ago, but during his match, he was referred to as plain, old Mark Jindrak. This introduction by Bert Prentice proves that he was, in fact, known as Basket Case. It’s not exactly a slam dunk of a promo, more of an underhand grandma throw, but hey, it’s proof enough.

Pete Rose Visited By Kane On Halloween

Kane and Pete Rose’s feud has been chronicled right here on this very website. Did you know it even extended into a Halloween-themed commercial for a No Mercy pay-per-view? That means Kane’s burning hatred for Charlie Hustle goes outside the boundaries of a WWE ring. Imagine Kane, dressed as the Christmas Creature, chokeslamming Pete Rose when he opens his door for carolers. Or hitting him with a sidewalk slam on Valentine’s Day.

And who could blame Kane? Rose no-sells all the kids in WWE costumes. Booker Mini and Kidust deserve at least a mini Twix.

ECW Diva Halloween Costume Contest

Halloween is almost upon us, so here’s something really scary: WWE’s version of ECW! While this terrible trick on wrestling fans was relatively short-lived, we did get this Diva Halloween costume contest as some sort of treat.

Kelly Kelly, Trinity, and Ariel compete for audience applause. Trinity wins, but I want to say that Ariel was robbed! Almost 20 years later and I’m still mad about it. She lost on a technicality! Justice for Ariel!