It Came From YouTube: page 10
Breakdancing Fred Ottman Returns!
Breakdancing Fred Ottman is back and he’s popping and locking all over the place!
Next time you see him at a convention, don’t ask for a picture of The Shockmaster. Ask Fred to show you how to do those sick arm waves!
Breakdancing Fred Ottman
Friend of the site Fred Ottman has been many things over his wrestling career. Tugboat, Shockmaster, Typhon. Did you know he was also a solid breakdancer?
Look at him go! Back off, Mark Young, Uncle Fred has got moves.
Kevin Nash Has Monster Truck Madness
Poor Kevin Nash. He has Monster Truck Madness!
Thankfully, the cure isn’t more cowbell. It’s Monster Truck Madness on Nintendo 64. While it may seem a little odd that a professional wrestler is down with the monster truck sickness, it’s because there’s nWo and WCW trucks in the game.
What, no trucks for Hulk Hogan and The Giant? Missed opportunity!
Braun Strowman Appétit!
WWE big man Braun Strowman knows how to eat, but does he know how to cook?
Wrestling is one thing, but cooking using only verbal instructions from Bon Appetit’s food director, Carla Lalli Music is another. Will his lobster rolls be a hit or or a miss? Dig in to find out!
The American Ninja
Take one part Yoshi Kwan, one part Great Muta, and one poor can of Hi-C and what do you get?
The American Ninja!
Sadly, we never did get the obvious American Ninja vs Kool-Aid Man feud we deserved. We’ll just have to settle for the 1985 movie American Ninja instead.
WWF Wishes You A Merry Christmas From 1983
Christmas may be over, but we here at Wrestlecrap have one more gift for you. It’s a WWF clip from 1983 where all the stars wish you a Merry Christmas from inside a wreath. All your favorites are here: The Iron Sheik, Captain Lou Albano, Tito Santana, Salvatore Bellomo, Freddie Blassie looking like Mother Teresa…
Wait, what? Salvatore Bellomo? Were Johnny Rodz and Frankie Williams busy?
DDP Reads “The Night Before Christmas”
Your friend and mine Diamond Dallas Page is here to read us The Night Before Christmas. LOVE the suit and hat combo, Dallas. Grab some gluten-free cookies, some soy milk, sit back and listen to the former three-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion.
For Dallas, Payge, and the rest of the DDPY crew, make sure to make this holiday season, what? Your own! NOW HULK IT UP!