Back in 1987, Captain Lou Albano (and a bottle of Mott’s Prune Juice) appeared on Hollywood Squares. Would you trust the answers for the man who managed The Wild Samoans, The Moondogs, and Don Muraco? Or would you believe the man who encouraged as all to Do The Mario? It’s a tough call.
It Came From YouTube
Delirious Gives Us Double Vision
I’m seeing double here! Four Deliriouses! Deliri? Doslirious?
NWA Wildside‘s Delirious does the ol’ mirror spot, just like Doink at Wrestlemania IX. It’s, uh, not much better. At least Doink hit Crush with a loaded cast.
WWE Divas Describe Their Perfect Valentine’s Day Date
It’s almost Love Day. Are all the fancy restaurants booked up? What’s a love-stricken wrestling fan to do? Well, the WWE Divas are here to give you some Valentine’s Day dating tips. Flowers, candies, dinner. Y’know, the usual. Thanks, ladies (and Dolph)!
The real treat, though, is Lana still using her Russian accent. That’s better than gas station roses, I tell you what.
Matt McMuscles Tells Us ‘What Happened?’ To WCW Backstage Assault
Have you ever wanted to know why WCW Backstage Assault was such a mess? Well, you’re in luck because Youtuber Matt McMuscles is doing a run-in to set the record straight.
When he’s not trying to find the worst fighting game ever or playing WII U games, Matt digs deep into finding out the backstories to troubled video games and movies with his show “What Happened?” Even if you’re not a hardcore gamer they’re worth a watch just to see how major companies mess up in spectacular fashion all the time.
Matt McMuscles elbow drops WCW Backstage Assault, explaining all the poor decisions that led to the game being inducted onto this here site. Give his channel a Like, Comment, and a Follow. Then ask him about his favorite stock pot-breaking sound.
Royal Rumble 90’s Theme
The Royal Rumble is one of my favorite wrestling events every year. No matter what the storylines are going in, you know it’s going to have a fun mixture of spots, surprise returns, NXT callups, and lots of Wrestlemania potential. Sure, it doesn’t always work out, but it’s one of the few events that actually excites me.
Speaking of excitement, just listen to the classic Royal Rumble theme from the early 90’s. Doesn’t that get you pumped? I’m ready to toss someone over the top rope to those synth-tastic sounds and rockin’ guitars.