Waylon Mercy SQUASHES a Young Jeff Hardy…You Know What I Mean?

Waylon Mercy

Over the years, I’ve grown to love Waylon Mercy. It’s strange, because I am quite certain that I inducted him years and years ago, and now…now I kinda question why I would have done that. A total take off of the Robert De Niro’s character in the file Cape Fear (and yes, I know the original version came out in 1961), Dan Spivey played the role to perfection in a lot of ways.

Choice of attire would not be one of those ways, of course. While I approve of the Hawaiian shirt of course, once that’s gone he’s wearing a totally white outfit and looks like an olde tyme ice cream man. I mean, if you’re squirting blood all over the place, sure you white to be decked in white. But that sure wasn’t the mid 90’s WWF!

Anyways, his opponent this evening would be none other than young Jeff Hardy. I know we’ve covered Matt & Jeff getting clobbered by various folks on here several times before, so I am not sure why it still seems so weird when I uncover them getting beaten from pillar to post once again, but it always is.

The match starts and Waylon fires off a nonstop stream of southpaw haymakers, then tosses Hardy to the mat like a sack of garbage. That offense looks fine but that outfit? COME ON MAN.

Making matters worse is that it appears that he is having a tough time keeping those trousers up. Have I mentioned that get up has gots to go yet?

Regardless, Mercy then nearly decapitates Hardy with a clothesline and follows that up with a nice looking overhead belly to belly suplex. Just watching the way Jeff is selling and bouncing around like a ping pong ball here makes it very clear why he was able to get a long-term deal with the company. He’s making Waylon look like a zillion bucks.

Remember when Dino Bravo used to use a side suplex and it always looked like the laziest move on earth? Waylon does that here and it looks…well…a tiny bit better. He then fixes his pants (AGAIN) and bounces off the ropes with a leg drop that doesn’t look so hot. Better go study your Hulkster tapes, brother!

He quickly redeems himself though with a BRUTAL brainbuster. I’m shocked Jeff’s head didn’t go straight through the mat there. A psychotic sleeper gets the win as Mercy stares at us like a freaking lunatic. It’s really too bad his body gave out on him as this character would have been great to have around when the likes of Mick Foley and Kane showed up. What a group they would have made! Know what I mean?

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