Yeah, I didn’t know this match ever happened either. But it did and it was glorious to behold.

It happened in the early 1990s, during Big Van Vader’s reign of terror in WCW. At the time he was managed by Harley Race, who looked like he was having the absolute time of his life leading Leon down to the ring to kill some hapless foe. And yep, on that foe would be none other than Nash.

Jim Nash. What is it the kids call that? Click…bait?

Eh, stick around, you’ll have fun. At least more than this particular Nash did, as Vader peppers him with a few punches before almost literally folding him in half with an absolutely vicious back suplex.
Nash does his best to make a go of it, ducking a clothesline before getting hit…with a clothesline. C’mon man – you just avoided the exact same move less than a second earlier!
I should note this Nash is no small guy. Watch closely and you can see that he may be an inch or two taller than Vader. Maybe that’s why Leon appears to be even more agitated than usual, taking out his aggression in almost primal form.

A half chokeslam/half uranage comes next. I see that and all I can think is…

“So the first time I ever met Leon I told him, “you know what would be really cool? If you hit Nash with a Rock Bottom.” And then Leon and I locked eyes and he smiled…needless to say the rest is history.”
Did I do that right?
Remember earlier when I said that Vader almost folded this guy in half? Well he gave it another go and I will just say he completed his mission. Good gravy, no idea how this guy ever got up. Maybe he didn’t. I’ll let you geeks, nerds, and poindexters hit cagematch and let me know what happened to Jim Nash in the comments below!