Jimmy Valiant Gives Us a Boogie Woogie Squash!

Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant

Over the years, I’ve discovered – repeatedly – guys who I sold short when I first watched them wrestle. The list is seemingly a mile long, but somewhere near the top of that list would be the “Boogie Woogie Man” himself, Jimmy Valiant. I first saw him in the old NWA Crockett era on Saturday night shows on TBS and at the time, he was in a seemingly never-ending feud with Paul Jones, who I thought was the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as pro wrestling managers go. As time has passed and I’ve revisited their feud, I’ve grown fond of the absurdity of “Number One” as well; I delight at seeing him lose his place in promos and being seemingly lost more often than not.

Today however isn’t about Jones. No, we’re talkin’ ’bout the boy from New York City! And if that sounds like a song lyric, that’s because it is, the one that accompanied Valiant to the ring and he danced about to the delight of screaming fans in the arena. Do yourself a favor and just have that music playing the entire time you read this article. I promise your day will be a million times better.

And indeed, the dancing doesn’t stop once the bell rings. If anything, it intensifies with Valiant going after George South with backdrops and hip tosses and he continues to prance about like his pants are on fire.

South wants to catch his breath outside the ring, but Valiant doesn’t care, as he continues to beebop around. Eventually South tries to come back in and Valiant helps him to do so, springboarding him back in the ring. He then puts him in a nerve hold and even then Valiant KEEPS ON DANCIN’. I tell you this with all sincerity – if everyone put on a nerve pinch like the Boogie Woogie Man, no one would ever complain about rest holds!

It’s perpetual motion here, as Valiant yanks South down by the hair, then throws him into the turnbuckle. An Irish whip later, Jimmy waylays the poor guy with an elbow as he’s coming off the ropes, then does another wacky elbow to get the win. Care to guess how he celebrates? That’s right – WITH MORE DANCING. No idea why I didn’t get you the first time Boogie Woogie Man, but rest assured, I think you’re awesome now!!

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