For years, Kenny Omega has been considered one of the best wrestlers in the world. He’s done a bit of reinvention over the years, and I have to believe that the best Kenny is in fact his heel Cleaner version. I mean, seriously, look at this entrance:

Dude has girls dancing around with brooms, wacky videogame graphics, and then he tops all that off with a silhouette of himself. Holy smokes. I’m trying to think of a pre-match ritual that ever screamed “look at me, I’m a douchebag” more than this and I can’t come up with anything. If you have one, post it in the comments section below please for my amusement.

So Kenny gets in and shakes hands with his opponent Sonny Kiss. In another sign of good sportsmanship, he kicks Sonny’s head off with a flying v-trigger. He then hits the one-winged angel and gives him the most bored looking pin ever. This man’s best display of emotion ever is a complete lack of emotion.

He pulls Sonny’s carcass off the mat and asks everyone in the crowd to cheer for the guy he beat in fifteen seconds. Yep, that’s a jerk. All I can say is Tony, if you want to give your company a boost, you have this man under contract. Pair him back up with Don Callis…who you also have under contract. Your world champion really needs a big name foe until Adam Cole gets back. Cleaner vs. MJF? Yes please!