When I first started SQUASH of the Week a few years back, the idea was just to show hapless jobbers being obliterated in comical fashion. What I’ve found to be almost as fascinating is seeing guys who would become major stars earning their stripes by, well, being obliterated in comical fashion. Such is the case today with this young man:
Say hello to “Terry Richards”, showing up on a fateful WCW Saturday Night taping hoping to ply his trade. Unfortunately for him, his opponent was one “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan…
…and he was going RHYNO HUNTING today! (Yes, I really did work that hard to tell you, dear reader, that Terry Richards would become Rhyno.)

The match starts exactly as you’d expect – with Duggan mugging to the camera and being as ridiculously, nay, delightfully over the top as possible. The man was always like a cartoon character come to life, so it makes sense he would wind up being a major star throughout his career.

Richards wasn’t going to just lay down, so he rakes Duggan’s eyes and gives Hacksaw the what for. Duggan responds in kind with some big ol’ ham hocks which causes Richards to wind up on rubber leg street. Seriously, that is a fantastic job of selling Duggan’s offense there.

Richards continues to sell as Hacksaw decides to bust out some MAT WRESTLING. Seriously, look at Richards kicking his leg like a happy dog who’s being pet by his owner. Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy!

It doesn’t take long before Duggan remembers he’s not being paid by the hour so he goes into his finishing sequence: big ol’ body slam followed up by the three point stance and the clothesline. And that was…wait. Wait a minute. Was Duggan DANCING before that clothesline?

He sure was! HOOOOOOO indeed!!!