El Gigante Wrestles a Guy From Seinfeld!

El Gigante

If there’s one thing I never thought I’d see, it would be El Gigante taking on one of Jerry Seinfeld’s buddies. But here we are as he’s taking on George Castanza!

Wait, no, my bad, it’s JOE CAZANA. RD being an idiot or ridiculous clickbait tactics? Let’s call it a bit from column A and some from column B.

Regardless, you are for sure getting THIS MAN, your pal and mine, El Gigante! Now for you newer kids who have no idea who this delightful man was, allow me to explain. Jorge González was a basketball player drafted by the Atlanta Hawks. Sadly he was unable to stay healthy largely due to knee injuries, so the fine folks in Atlanta decided that maybe, just maybe, he should become a pro ‘rassler! Thus he wound up in WCW for a few years and let me tell you, he was amazingly bad.

BUT…BUT…he sure was tall! I mean just look at him! See how much taller he is than his doughy foe? That’s all great, but to my somewhat educated eye, it looks like poor Jorge has zero clue as to what he is actually doing.

Thrill as Cazana throws punches that have no effect! Watch on as Gigante uses his big ol’ hamhocks to knock his foe down! Ponder if he might actually figure out how to do that complex of moves, the one known as a “body slam”!

Next, Gigante kicks Joe in the belly. Pretty sure that was supposed to be the old fashioned BIG BOOT, the thing guys like Sid used to do. At least I THINK that’s what was supposed to be the idea there. But as was usually the case when El Gigante wrestled, you were never quite sure. Heck, even his finisher, the claw, looked weird and uncoordinated. Not sure how that’s even possible, but I mean, look at that – even his CLAW didn’t look right! Still, that was who the big guy was. At least his horrible claw got him the win in a rather baffling SQUASH of the Week!

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