Roddy Piper’s All Star Rock N’ Wrestling Saturday Spectacular Outfit

Roddy Piper All Star Rock N Wrestling Saturday Spectacular 1985

Roddy Piper All Star Rock N Wrestling Saturday Spectacular jacket shirt frill

Fancy yourself a collector of wrestling memorabilia? Do you think owning a Ric Flair robe or an actual championship belt completes your collection? Psh. Amateur hour. Your collection is not complete until you have the jacket, shirt, and neck frill worn by Roddy Piper for the All Star Rock N’ Wrestling Saturday Spectacular.

What an incredibly specific Wrestlecrap-related thing to put up for sale. Lest you think this is just an old neck frilly and jacket, it comes with a letter of authenticity from Roddy Piper’s wife Kitty!

Roddy Piper All Star Rock N Wrestling Saturday Morning Spectacular letter of authenticity

I’m not saying anyone should go out of their way to get this for RD, but I’m also not not saying that.

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