Today we have a set of 2 tiny coffins for your wrestling figures.
They’re useful for when you’re playing casket matches with your figures (you know, if you’re 7…).
They’re also handy if you need somewhere to store the action figures of all the wrestlers who have dropped dead in the last 25 years from steroid and other drug abuse, in-ring accidents, suicides, and heart attacks.
You’ll really have to load-up on these coffins if you want to do that!
Wow! This got really dark, really fast, didn’t it?
Geez, I’ve really got to lighten the mood up here, and fast!
Hey look! It’s Hulk Hogan dressed up as a ballerina with an adorable little girl!

Isn’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, Crappers?
(Phew, that was close…)