Fellow Crapper ChipsGravy writes: “Dear RD and Brad Brakestown.
Recently I had my 35th birthday. Cause for much celebration you may say. Well you don’t know what horror my friends bestow on me as gifts. So it was with trepidation that I approached this particular present. Surely nothing, nothing could top my Noel from hear’say doll. I was wrong…
I opened the wrapping and was greeted with some American wrestlers. Oh theres, Hogan and Jake and oh what was his name again I thought to myself. This present wasn’t so bad. I turned over the package. I couldn’t believe it.

Turns out it wasn’t Hulk Hogan at all. It was King Joe. And the wrestler I mistakingly took for Jake the Snake..Wrong! It is in fact Harry Badface.

And who could forget my personal favourite, Baddy Policeman. Ray Traylor must be turning in his grave!”
RD: “Wrestling needs a Baddy Policeman.
I mean, NEEDS a Baddy Policeman right now!”