Crapper Louis Izzo wrote:
I was thumbing through an old issue of WWF Magazine (October 1993, to be exact, and don’t you judge me) and came across this full-page advertisement, offering to put a personalized message of you over a crappy picture from what has been consistently labeled by others as the worst WrestleMania ever (XI gets my vote, but that’s one crapper’s opinion). I can’t imagine anyone spending money on such a thing, and if not for randomly flipping through this issue, would never have guessed something so stupid could actually be pushed on the marks.

Ah, yes. WrestleMania IX… The WrestleMania that was so bad that it made the cover of the first WrestleCrap book.
Sure, this is kind of hokey, but if I had been 7 years old at the time, and someone gave me one of these things that said “Paul Kraft vs. Hulk Hogan” I’d have been absolutely thrilled and hung that sucker on my wall proudly just because it would’ve been cool to even pretend I was there.
What’s funny is that after his tag-team match where he teamed up with Brutus Beefcake to take on Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and I.R.S), he just kind of showed up at the end for no reason to defeat new WWF champion Yokozuna after Yokozuna had just beat Bret Hart for the title.
(Your Name Here) Vs. Hulk Hogan would’ve been a much better match, no doubt about it!
Did any of you Crappers have one of these custom photos ordered for you when you were a kid?