Good bye Halloween, hello November…which means Thanksgiving and the Christmas season are nigh! Absolutely can’t wait for those of course, as this is always my favorite time of the year. Guess I better start thinking about what my Christmas movie induction will be for this year. After tackling the likes of The Rich Little Christmas Carol, I suppose I’m game for anything, so yeah, send in those suggestions. But before we get there, let’s see what questions you may have this week, shall we?
Ahmer A kicks us off with…”I had a thought that a sitcom should be developed where R-Truth and Mark Briscoe move into a New York City apartment together, and have visits from their wacky neighbors, and obvious hijinks ensue. Episode 1: Goldust comes over.
My question – is this just a license to print money, or THE license to print money?”
It’s funny, I think that maybe the dark shadow of Learning the Ropes hangs over everything when it comes to wacky wrestling sitcoms. I’m still holding out hope we get a Rhodes to the Top style series with Juice Robinson and Toni Storm. They have them both under contract, both are seemingly completely bonkers, and I think watching them doing, well, anything would be fascinating. Can you imagine them going to say the post office to pick up some random package? Put that on Max and I’ll sign up for the next ten years!
Craig B busts out the concrete with…”When wrestlers use cinderblocks in death matches, are those gimmicked in any way? Because the way Swerve Strickland landed on that hunk of cement during his cage match with Adam Page seemed like the kind of bump that is going to give him a lot of problems in about 10 years.”
I think a lot of folks are going to be having a lot of problems in about 10 years and then for the rest of their lives. I see such insane risks being taken and I generally ask why. Especially when the biggest pop that happens in most matches is when guys deliver on those pesky “We want tables” chants. Since that’s a relatively (but by no means entirely) safe spot, spam that instead until people don’t want it anymore.
Arya W asks…”If you had a time machine and could go back in time to see any 1 match/show live, what would it be?”
That changes on a daily basis, but for some reason I’d love to go back and witness the first WrestleMania. I was never the world’s biggest Hulk Hogan fan, but I was there for a lot of house shows he’d do and the reaction was always so gigantic. I remember one time just closing my eyes and ‘feeling’ the crowd. That was almost 40 years ago and I still remember that, so it would be fun to experience Mania for the first time.
Mike M ponders…”What four candies are on your Candy Mt (Sugar)Rushmore?”
I hate ranking things like this (we wrote the WrestleCrap Book of Lists! as a mockery of the whole concept in fact), but since I’m coming off my candy-induced coma from a couple days ago I’ll oblige. Again, changes daily, but for store bought candy, I’ll go with Reese’s Cups (loved the new Werewolf tracks!), $100 Grand, Nestle Crunch, and Smoothie Bars. $100 Grand is kinda an old man candy you may or may not know, and Smoothie Bars are definitely something only folk nearing the old folks’ home would even know, let alone like, but I always dug them. It’s interesting, because dark chocolate is my preferred chocolate and nothing there makes the list. Eh, maybe next year we’ll get inundated with dark chocolate special Halloween candy.
Charles B continues with…”Where do you rank Drew and Punk among Cell matches?”
What is it with everyone and wanting to slot things? To be honest, most Cell matches just kinda blur together for me, save for the obvious stuff like Mick and Taker.
Jarvis G wants to know…”Best local pizza restaurant to try in Indianapolis to a first-time visiting Canadian?”
Bad news my friend, as Indianapolis pizza kinda sucks. But gun to my head, I’d probably go just south of Indy and head to New Bethel Ordinary for their pizza. It’s super heavy with toppings, more of a casserole than pizza, but it’s quite good. Go another half hour south of THAT and you can get Greek’s in Shelbyville…which is right across from Rupert’s Arcade! A winner is you indeed!
Dustin N asks…”Worse-booked tournament: the 1995 WWF King of the Ring or the 1999 WCW Mayhem tournament?”
That’s like asking which kid you want to disown. For me though, the 1995 KOTR was much worse as it didn’t have the utter insanity 1999 WCW featured. Say what you will, but that stuff, while horrible, was never boring. And hey would you look at that, I have a call.

Even after all these years, that’s still kinda weird. But it’s always fun. Remember kids – don’t make enemies, make friends. And keep sending in those questions!