Wrestlers You Don’t “Get”, Gimmicks That SHOULD Have Worked, Best Flair Feud, and RD’s Least Favorite Horrible Match Ever

With taking RD Jr. to college this upcoming Tuesday, your old buddy and old pal is on an emotional whirlwind. WHIRLWIND I SAY. Let’s see if y’all can keep me from pondering my imminent future without my coaster and pinball buddy by my side with some good questions! To the mailbag!

Dustin N. kicks us off with…”Who’s one wrestler (past or present) that, no matter how much/long they’ve been pushed, you still shake your head and say “I just don’t get it.”?”

Present would be Daniel Garcia, all day, every day. It’s not that he’s not talented in the ring, but there are other guys that are way better and have loads more charisma. Doing a wacky dance and nudging your crotch in the face of your opponent isn’t personality, sorry. As for the past, I never, ever got Triple H. Yet he was pushed down our throats so long and so hard that to this day I have zero interest in anything he is involved with, including today’s booming WWE. It’s like if you were force fed a meal you hated for years then heard the food was really good there and had couldn’t bring yourself to return. Same deal here.

Benjamin P continues that with…”and on the flip side, what’s the one gimmick that should have worked, but just didn’t for some reason?”

Coin toss between Waylon Mercy and Sean O’Haire in the WWF.

This is a guy telling folks at home quite literally DO ALL THE DRUGS YOU WANT. If that’s not a heel, I don’t know what is!

Joseph M wants to know…”What is your favorite Ric Flair feud?”

He had one heck of a run in the late 80’s and early 90’s with Steamboat, Funk, Savage, and Vader. I loved all of those. If I HAD to pick, I’d probably go Savage, but that’s just because I was at WrestleMania VIII live and I will always remember that match as something so special to witness. But I wouldn’t argue any of the others.

Sean B asks…”When will you and “Diamond Dan” Garza sit down and dissect his WCW matches as talent enhancement?”

Absolutely that is coming, I just haven’t narrowed down when that’s happening. It will be really fun as the Splendid Gem of Professional Wrestling is a very funny guy.

Ian W ponders that age old question…”I have been watching a series called “Worst Match ever” and am curious what your favorite, and/or least favorite, bad match is.”

Favorite terrible match would be Sheik & Volkoff vs. the Bushwackers from Heroes of Wrestling. I can watch that a thousand times and laugh harder every time. Least favorite horrible match is for sure Rebel vs. Shelly Martinez because Rebel was legitimately one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met in wrestling. Like I know that match is no good, but I just keep thinking about how nice she was talking with Blade and I at Starrcast years ago and I just feel so sorry that’s one of the things she’s best known for when it should instead be her great work with Dr. Britt in AEW. Rebel is just the best. I love her.

Hayden F goes old school with…”As a fellow retro gaming enthusiast, do you like flat or round CRTs?”

I think flat CRTs are sexier, but for a true vintage feel I prefer a bit round please and thank ya.

Marc L. continues the retro gaming with…”Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis? Did you play with super power, or did what Nintendon’t?”

I had a SNES, but to this day I couldn’t really tell you why as my favorite arcade games have always been Sega. Heck, half the games at Rupert’s or SkyCade seem to be Segas, be that OutRun 2s, Daytona 2s, the big ol’ Rambo, Ghost Squad…so many greats.

Robert R wraps us up with…”Should Jack Perry be sponsored by Taco Bell?”

I don’t know, but I DO know that rumors of Taco Bell retro menu have me salivating like Pavlov’s dogs. The return of the Carmel Apple Empanada and more importantly the MEXIMELT are music to my ears. Or mouth. Whatever, I am bad with metaphors.

That’s it for this week…keep those questions coming in and I’ll keep on answerin’!

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