Super Bowl weekend! Always love the big game, although this year of course my enthusiasm is dimmed by having the Chiefs in it once more. Eh, could be worse I suppose, at least it’s not Tom Brady again. Wait, what? He’s doing commentary on the game? Maybe I should just watch the 2007 game again…starting after the opening kickoff of course. Enough blah blah, let’s answer some questions!
Charles B kicks us off with…”Favorite Superbowl game ever?”
The one I just mentioned of course, although to be fair the Colts beating the Patriots to get there was I think a bigger deal in Indy than actually winning the Super Bowl. In fact, I almost think that when Eli beat the Pats in the Super Bowl that too have been more important to these folks than the Bears game because it was here in the (at the time) new Lucas Oil Stadium. Tom Brady is this town’s kryptonite and they absolutely HATE him.
Arya W goes with…”Would you say I am the greatest prognosticator ever for predicting Jey Uso would win the Royal Rumble a few weeks ago in the mailbag?”
That as a good call to be sure, and I would argue, a better call on WWE’s part of going with the hot hand. If only other companies would do the same (*cough cough, Tony belt Ospreay immediately please*).
Gary G asks…”What is your favorite game on the Maxivision multicart? Video for reference. “
Ah, one of my favorite recent inductions! And it’s gotta be MENACE BEACH, BROTHER!!
Michael S goes REPO REPO REPO with…”Would Repo Man have worked during the attitude era? As a low level comedy character I think it would have. Beers, medals, hoes just think of what he could have taken. If he needed a hat to replace Macho Man’s JR is right there! Or Maybe I just really love Repo Man.”
It’s funny because I originally inducted him and thought it was one of the dumbest gimmicks ever. And honestly, it still is pretty darn dumb in hindsight, but Barry Darsow absolutely did everything he possibly could to make it watchable. And you know what? IT IS! Wrestling needs more creeps stealing kids’ bikes and announcers’ hats, agreed.
Dustin N ponders…”Discounting fluke/joke champions like the Vinces and David Arquette, who would you say is the worst world champion in a major promotion in history?”
I know I’m not supposed to hinder, but I gotta go Jinder.
Mike M wants to know…”What’s your all time favorite Super Bowl commercial?”
Too many to count, but the one that has always stuck with me is this:
And that came out OVER FORTY YEARS AGO! So delightfully pompous.
Not quite this, but close. I don’t understand why THIS isn’t constantly interrupting my YouTube viewing. It’s brilliant.
Aaron M has me updating the to do list again…”Since the Big Show has yet to defend his Nickelodeon Slime Wrestling Championship, should he be stripped of the title?”
I have no recollection whatsoever of this. Point me in the right direction please!
Rich V follows that up with…”I know you did a induction of Zorro with Jesse Ventura but are you aware there is a episode of the 1990 Zorro with Roddy Piper?”
Note to self: hunt down this, it sounds absurd.
Sean B asks…”Does the “Loser wears a Weasel suit” matches Bobby Heenan had with Ultimate Warrior be considered to be WrestleCrap?”
Sure, why not. Any opportunity I get to shoehorn the chance to write about Bobby Heenan is a win for me.
Thomas M wants to know…”Have you ever tried to write an induction and just couldn’t make it work? Maybe the subject matter was difficult or you had trouble finding the humor in it.”
That happens from time to time. I remember having a really hard time doing the Eddiesploitation Gooker winner years back and I know Art had a challenge with this year’s Gooker as well. Some stuff writes itself, some is a battle. Those would be two good examples.
Rafique T ponders…”Whatever happened to CM Punk’s X AEW title? Am I the only one who remembers that?”
My guess is it’s riding around with Shaq in the disappearing ambulance of doom. But it would be a kinda incredible payoff if THAT was what was in Mox’s bag. Wait, no, I don’t want to give them that idea. Scratch that from the record please!
Meagan N wraps us up with…”What do you think blade would’ve thought about the lions playoff disaster?”
Gotta believe it would be like my college roommate when the Bengals lost the Super Bowl in the final minutes to Joe Montana. He didn’t talk to ANYONE for three days straight. It’s crazywe can get in these games that are ultimately meaningless. One day I will listen to my father’s advice who told me, “I don’t watch any more as I get too wrapped up in it. Find something else to do that won’t anger up your blood.”