As everyone knows, I have no real love for the WWE Hall of Fame. To me, it’s just another event for WWE to promote and make bucks on, with no real criteria for who gets in, other than who they think will generate ticket sales and interest. With that said, I know it can mean a lot to those being inducted so I was happy to hear that the Natural Disasterss and Lex Luger are going in this year. I consider John Tenta to be a good friend of mine, and I, like so many others, was completely heartbroken at his passing. I’ve only more recently met Fred Ottman and Lex Luger, but both are incredibly nice guys and I have to believe they are thrilled to be inducted. We need more positive folks like these guys in this world of ours. To the mailbag.
Chad A kicks us off with some positivity with…”Seriously, how awesome is DDP? This man deserves all the accolades in the world, the Lex Luger video was pretty awesome to see. I’m glad to see Lex see a chance to go in the Hall of Fame”
DDP is pretty great, and he’s remained true to being a positive force pretty much since I first knew of him. This can be a very dark world; we all get depressed, we all get worn down, we all have days where we just don’t want to get out of bed I think. Seeing people doing good things for others helps us to do the same. So yeah, I’m on the DDP bandwagon for sure.
Charles B wants to know…”What went through your head while watching the cena heel turn?”
Thinking I was like most everyone else asking, “is he really going to do this?” Simply because for so many years it just never happened. It was executed perfectly so bravo to all involved. My only question is this: will the Make a Wish kids still love him? Or will they be asking for other folks to visit? Before you scoff at such a notion, keep in mind: these are fragile children…was there any real damage done here? I’d love to hope not, but I’d hate to see a terminal child heartbroken watching this. Which is probably why it never happened until now.
Rob N continues with…”Who did the heel turn better: Hulk Hogan in 1996, or John Cena in 2025?”
Andre the Giant in 1987. That one played out over weeks and weeks and is still my favorite. Also loved Orndorff’s turn when Hogan wouldn’t stop lifting weights to take his call!
Sean B asks…”What is your favorite guilty pleasure Roddy Piper film?”
Gotta go They Live. Just a classic film with tons of quotable lines.
Zach P ponders…”Who is your favorite wrestler with “legit athlete” credentials?”
Randy Savage was a minor league baseball player…does that count?
Jeremy W wants to know…”What finishing move would you love to see someone bring back? The Pounce was a S tier move from Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von and I would love to see someone just bring that back.”
MARCUS COR VON! What a dumb name for an incredible wrestler with a great finisher. I think the heart punch should make a comeback. Could totally see some nogoodnik with Don Callis using that and putting folks in the hospital for SQUASH of the Week material.
Joseph goes old school with…”Deal, I believe you used to say on WWCR, that you got into wrestling via watching a stellar Bulldogs-Harts match.
What was your entry to NWA in particular?”
Yep, that Bulldogs-Hart match was what really got me into the WWF for sure. Not sure on a particular match for the NWA, but guessing it was a Midnight Express one as my best friend at the time (and still to this day!) was a huge fan of them and I loved tag team wrestling. I also have vivid memories of the BALD HEADED GEEK feud with Jimmy Valiant and Number One Paul Jones.
Richard P inquires…”Am I the only one who thinks the Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka match at Wrestlemania 9 is one of the best ever?”
Yes. Yes, you are.
Mike M goes to the movies with…”Are you planning to watch Queen of the Ring?”
Absolutely. Not sure if I will hit the theater for it or wait until it goes to streaming but for sure I want to see it.
How could I not want to see something that inspires this level of insanity?
And that will wrap us up for this week. Go do something nice for someone you don’t know this week…let’s all be positive lights! And keep those questions coming in for future mailbags!