When this is posted, I will officially be closer to sixty years old than fifty. And you know what, I kinda dig it. At first I was offended with senior discounts, now I am like bring ’em on. If IHOP wants to give me 10% off overpriced pancakes just because God blessd me with a life this long, who am I to argue? Bring it on. And bring on those questions too!
Charles B kicks us off with…”Who would you have Cena’s final opponent be in your opinion?”
Mad props to The Rock for getting that Final Boss thing over as he was the very first person I thought of and honestly since the company is risk adverse these days I could completely see it. And you know, honestly, why not. I know folks will moan and groan that Cena should “put over” a younger guy on his way out the door but I think in a lot of ways that’s outdated thinking. When is the last time an old guy put a new talent over on the way out the door and it really meant something? I’ll hang up and listen to your answer.
Arya W asks…”My prediction for 2025 is that Jey Uso beats Gunther at WrestleMania for the World Title. What are your thoughts on this and do you think Jey would make a credible champion?”
Don’t see that happening in a million years. As a random PLE at some point when they need a filler for a title match? Sure. I mean, remember that time Bob Holly had a match with Brock at Royal Rumble? I could see that. WrestleMania? Not a chance.
Chad A wants to know…”Bigger fall from grace? Hogan or Flair?”
Y’all should know my thoughts on ranking things by now. Besides, that’s like asking if you’d rather be punched in the nose or kicked in the nads. You lose either way.
The Force is strong with Jason L…”Best minor star wars character? No luke, leia, han, etc.”

The world would be a better place if we all had a weird alien monkey creature jumping around and laughing at our jokes.
IIan W goes dark with…”Favorite animated Batman adaptation”
I know it’s cliched to go The Animated Series, but that was top shelf stuff. I also loved The Brave & The Bold, especially the game on the Wii. I should really go back and play it again, it’s fun and best of all very comical. It could have just been throw away shovelware like 99% of the Wii library, but that game is a hidden gem for sure.
Jeremy W asks…”In honour of the Rumble, is Bobby Heenans commentary job during the 1992 Rumble, where he was begging and pleading the whole time for Flair to win, his crowning achievement in wrestling? Certainly it has to be the best commentary job in wrestling history.”
Anytime I think of the Rumble, it’s always 1992 and The Brain being his absolute best. One of my favorite shows ever and it’s mostly due to Bobby.
Jim PS rips off his shirt with…”Any chance WWE brings in Hogan as a MAGA branded heel/tweener?”
If Vince was still around, 100%. But he’s not, so no.
Chris B wants to know…”Marry, F**k, Kill: Tiffany Stratton, Rhea Ripley, Nia Jax
Marry Nia (hoping Rock will protect me too), F Tiffany, Kill Rhea.
Ryan T asks…”Why on earth would both WWE & AEW throw at least a year’s worth of storylines each into the garbage in the same week? (I’m referring to The Rock’s sudden face turn and Kenny Omega coming back and saying he “isn’t interested in revenge”.)”
Dude, I am still waiting for the Baby Doll photos and Shaq to come out of the ambulance so you are asking the wrong guy.
Chris M goes for the heartstrings with…”How much do we miss John Tenta?”
I mean, I think of him every day. Blade too. That’s one of the things that’s not so fun of getting older, others aren’t around with us to enjoy the ride.
Mike M wraps us up with…”Have you ever considered doing any other year end awards?”
Would 100% have been something we would have done on WrestleCrap Radio if Blade was still here. I’m kinda shocked we never did a ridiculous awards thing. I can just imagine Angry Jim and PC Popeye sharing a podium and presenting fantastic trophies to deserving winners!
That’s all for this week…keep those questions coming and I’ll keep answering!