Cage Matches Mean Nothing, AEW INDUCTIONS, the Olympics, and More!

Had a friend reach out to me last week during Dynamite‘s Blood & Guts, noting “A WarGames Match with outside the ring action…I like my cage matches in a cage.” Yeah. Don’t we all. It’s not just an AEW thing, it’s everywhere – cages no longer keep folks in the ring to settle the score, they’ve become just a prop. Been that way since at least Taker tossed Foley off the top. I don’t know it’s possible to put that toothpaste back in the tube but it would be nice if companies would at least TRY to make the cage a bit more meaningful. I’ll step down from my old man soapbox now and see what questions you all have instead…

Kieran D kicks us off in grand fashion with…”Can you put Orange Cassidy or do some AEW inductions. Hate to be like Cornette or Bischoff but they are pure nonsense lately”

We do AEW inductions fairly regularly – have a whole section dedicated to them here in fact. And they won the Gooker last year! While they’ve lost a bit of lustre lately, we continue to get incredible matches all the time, so I guess your idea of “pure nonsense” and mine differ slightly. And I’d never just induct Orange Cassidy as a performer as he’s fantastic. He was part of this induction though, so hopefully that scratches your itch.

Matt M wants to know…”Whatever happened to Power Crappings? I miss those!”

Those were fun. The great Justin Henry did those. One of the funniest guys in the history of the site, I miss his stuff too!

Jarvis G has his running shoes on with…”You have any friends who are also doing the Indianapolis Marathon this November?”

I don’t think so, but if any of y’all will be let me know. And I’ll see what I can do to get “Diamond” Dan ready to go by then!

Kendall M keeps it sporting with…”With the Olympics starting this weekend. If you were to create two teams of 5, who would they be and what sport would you put them in?”

Decisions, decisions.

More Olympics discussion from Ryan G…”If they ever added Pro Wrestling to the Olympics, what events should there be?”

Promo battles and everyone has to speak their own language with no interpreter. Let’s see who can really get their points across with nothing but vocal inflection!

Robert R wants to know…”Who is the better dancer: Disco Inferno, “Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright or Fandango?”

I mean, Alex Wright’s pelvic thrusts still haunt my nightmares so I guess it would be him? Or would that make him the worst? Either way, he’s by far the most memorable.

Mike M snaps into it with…”What’s your opinion on Slim Jims? And is there any other product so closely associated with wrestling?”

Personally I think they are gross beyond belief. And I can’t look at any ice cream bar, no matter the brand or type, without thinking, “Those original WWF ice cream bars were so, so good.”

Forrest G wants to know…”Did I dream of an induction for the Ultimate Giant?”

I mean, Blade inducted it so maybe? You can revisit your dreams of it here.

Also, try to find better things to dream about.

Arya W wraps us up with the power of the pythons or something…”When are you going to induct the TNA storyline where, among others, Abyss and Desmond Wolfe feudeded over Hulk Hogan’s WWE Hall of Fame ring? Like Abyss vs Wolfe could be it’s own induction but it’s part of the larger story over the ring.”

I seriously thought we’d already inducted that one, but apparently not! It’s added to the list. And yes, we have an ACTUAL LIST of potential inductions we work from each week. No joke, it currently has around 200 items so we will be busy for a while.

And with that, we close up another edition of the mailbag. Be good to each other kids and send those questions in rightchere!

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