It’s crazy for me to think that Dustin Rhodes is not only still involved in pro wrestling, but appears to be lined up for a feud with one of the top heels in the business as I write this in MJF. I sure as heck didn’t have that on the bingo card in 2025. As I reflect on his career, I realize that I’ve seen him pretty much from day one at every stop on his journey in the ring. From his early days in WCW as The Natural to his time in TNA as Black Reign (woof) to that weird Se7en gimmick, I’ve witnessed it all. It can definitely be argued that he shouldn’t be involved with Max, but one cannot deny he still has the ability to have good matches in the ring so eh, a short-term feud probably isn’t the end of the world.
Of course Dustin’s most famous run was in the WWF as Goldust. As I was prepping to write this induction, I was racking my brain trying to come up with a way to describe him to newer fans who may have never seen him during that run a quarter century ago. Like seriously, if you WERE a fan back then, imagine going to a friend and attempting to explain that character. Methinks when you got done they’d probably either be backing away from you as quickly as possible or calling the guys with the white coats.

So Goldust was going to appear on Late Night with Conan O’Brien. For the uninitiated, Conan was a staple of late night television for many years after being a writer for The Simpsons during what most folks would call that show’s glory days. Remember when Springfield got the monorail?
Yep, he wrote that. Today though we’re going to talk about the time when Goldust appeared on his show and things got…well…more than a little bizarre.

Before Conan brings Goldust out for the interview, we get a quick promo for his upcoming match with “Rowdy” Roddy Piper at WrestleMania 12. In order to hype the match (and pretty much every match Goldust had during this era), he would “pretend” to hit on his foe. Not HIT his opponent, but HIT ON his opponent. These were “mind games” we were told.

After the clip, Goldust is formerly introduced. It really was surreal seeing Dustin dress up like an Oscar statue after years of being a cowboy in WCW. He’d quote various movies and have a “director” in the form of Marlena, aka Terri Runnels. She was also a big part of the act and she looked like a million bucks, wonderfully tan and with a body to die for. So weird to think she also made her way up the ranks in pro wrestling starting as a makeup artist for WCW then becoming an on-screen personality in the form of Alexandra York with the York Foundation. Anyone have an issue with me going back to re-induct the York Foundation? I’m sure the computer technology she was using in 1992 would be hilarious to revisit today. Anyway, Goldust shows up and immediately gives co-host Andy Richter a little love as well to give a precursor as to what is about to happen.

After sitting down, Goldust immediately starts the innuendos, asking Conan, “Is that an extra microphone in your pants or are you just happy to see me?” Conan stammers a bit before spitting out, “It’s actually a microphone!”

Unsure what to call his guest, Coco asks, “Should I call you Gold or Mr. Dust?” Goldust breathes heavily before telling him, “Mr. Barbarian, you can call me anything you’d like, just don’t call me late for foreplay.” Did I mention how Vince and his announcing crew buddies always told us these were mind games?

Conan asks him about his acting credentials as we are told that Goldust is the biggest movie star in the business today. Zero idea who would make this claim, but then again, this was the same company that used to tell us that Jeff Jarrett had gold records so who am I to argue. So Goldust explains that his training comes from a “deep, dark, dirty place…a place I like to refer to as my…backlot. And maybe you, Mr. Barbarian, would like to stick your head inside and take a long look around?” Mr. Barbarian? OH! Like CONAN the Barbarian! Now I get it!

Seemingly unnerved, Conan throws to Andy asking what his plans are for later tonight. He says that he wants to go hang out with Goldust after the show. Hey WWE Vault – go find THAT footage please!

After being asked what movies he’s been in, Goldust cops out by saying there are too many to mention and switches over to hype his upcoming bout with Piper. Conan then blankly states “That is the weirdest promo I’ve seen in three years on the air!”

Conan tries to play along with the WWF storyline, explaining that Roddy says that Goldust is using homophobia to throw off his opponents but it’s simply mind games. Goldust denies this then immediately notes that Conan’s “milky white skin is turning red with lust” for him.

In fact, all this is making Goldust hot so he proceeds to undress himself in the most flamboyant manner imaginable. “Television is our window to the world, ladies and gentlemen!” Conan deadpans.

Having now gotten into his working gear, Goldust begins to crawl on all fours around the desk…and appears to be heading right for Conan’s crotch under the desk! Pretty sure that would be something more than mind games. Conan does as well and immediately calls for security to come and save the day.
Goldust then immediately starts hitting on THEM as well as Conan throws to commercial as fast as humanly possible. Why was I was so worried at the start about trying to explain the Goldust character? This skit with Conan explains it pretty darn well. Whether that’s good, bad, or WrestleCrap, I leave it up to you to decide.
Got this amazing additional info from a fellow Crapper helping on the show at the time:
So, I was an intern for the episode Goldust was on “Late Night” and here is what I remember:
1. I remember my boss telling me, “Goldust needs a case of beer.”
2. Dustin and Terri had their young daughter Dakota there. I remember Terri telling Dakota that she needed to “put on her Marlena clothes” and I was tasked with watching her while her parents went on. I got a huge kick out of teaching the granddaughter of Dusty Rhodes how to “WOO” like Ric Flair.
3. The hair and makeup woman said that Terri had INSISTED that her boobs were real. “The weird part is, nobody asked.”
4. This booking was heavily pushed by Andy Richter (who had a subscription to the Torch) and writer Tommy Blacha. Tommy left Conan to go to the WWF and, in fact, was the EMT who “delivered” Mae Young’s hand. Tommy is also a great, great guy. Actually, everybody on the show was, from Conan on down. Except for Max Weinberg. He was a dick.
Oh, and getting told hold the Intercontinental championship briefly – the same belt that Tito Santana, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart, et al. wore – was one of the highlights of my tenure there.