Odessa, FL – This week, AEW star MJF unleashed his most daunting task for rival Chris Jericho to endure: Don’t embarrass yourself for a full 24 hours.
Over the past few weeks, Jericho has had to endure the “Labors Of Jericho” set by MJF. After taking on Shawn Spears, Nick Gage, Juventud Guerrara, and Wardlow, MJF revealed the dastardly plot. In order to get to him, Jericho could not do anything to embarrass himself for one full day. Spies, drones, and hidden cameras would be watching Jericho the entire time to capture any disqualifying moments.
The monumental assignment immediately took its toll on Jericho. Worn down from his matches, he wanted nothing more than to go on Twitter and get into petty fights with 80’s musicians. Jericho’s fingers itched as the cursor hovered over the Reply function to tweets from Sebastian Bach, Dee Snider, and Mike Reno of Loverboy. Focusing on wrestling-related Twitter made things even more difficult.
“Musn’t…tweet…something…stupid!” strained Jericho. After spotting a tweet by Jim Cornette criticizing AEW, Jericho slammed his laptop shut and headed to Fozzy practice.
The normally flamboyant front man performed his band’s songs in a straightforward manner. Jericho resisted the urge to strut, pose, and gyrate, choosing instead to simply sing the songs. Ignoring several text messages from members of the former First Family, left the practice to record another episode of Talk Is Jericho.
The leader of the Inner Circle strictly stuck to ad copy, not going off on tangents about inferior steaks or underwear. Jericho listened politely to his guest Fuego Del Sol, asking pertinent questions, and not making it all about himself. An exhausted Jericho was taken home to wait out the rest of his torturous day.
In the final hour, Jericho say in his kitchen in complete silence. Each minute that passed felt like an hour. His heart pounded as sweat poured down his face. Every moment felt like agony, but he was determined.
“I’m going to do it!” screamed Jericho as the clock struck 11:59pm. He leapt from his chair in excitement as the end of the labor drew near.
Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. In a moment of pure comedic timing, Jericho’s leather pants ripped and dropped to his ankles, revealing heart-covered boxer shorts. MJF burst out of Jericho’s pantry, pointing and laughing at the former Undisputed WWF champion.
Luckily for Jericho, rules are ignored in AEW, and he will face MJF at All Out in September.