Odessa, FL – AEW star Chris Jericho spent yesterday’s Halloween trick or treating dressed as every AEW wrestler.
The former AEW champion sported many of his fellow wrestlers’ signature looks while receiving candy from his neighbors. The turducken of Halloween costumes included Orange Cassidy’s sunglasses, MJF’s scarf, Cody’s neck tattoo, and hideous Young Bucks pants. Jericho also carried a large bag filled with several gimmicks, necklaces, masks, and a lock of Jungle Boy’s hair.
While some decried the costume as an attempt to piggy-back off the success of other wrestlers, the costume received hundreds of likes on social media. Upon further inspection, most of the likes came from newly created accounts, all sports handles with first names and a random combination of numbers.
Unfortunately for Jericho, the large array of clothes and accessories weighed down the 50-year-old. Combined with the Florida heat and having consumed numerous White Russians at home, Jericho only made it two blocks before giving up. “I shouldn’t have wasted Brandon Cutler’s cold spray on keeping the bubbly nice and chilled back home,” lamented Jericho. “Milk was a bad choice!”
Several children passing by offered to help Jericho, but he refused.
“The Demo God just needs to get his second wind,” said Jericho between fistfuls of Reese’s Pieces. He gently sat on a Shawn Spears folding chair, letting out a slow, pained grunt. “The Ayatollah of Jerichola can still rock and rolla,” he said before taking a long swig from a bottle labelled “Hangman Page’s Happy Juice”.
Sweating profusely, Jericho wiped Abadon’s running makeup from is cheeks with a Fuego Del Soul mask. “It’s tough carrying the entire AEW roster on my back, baby,” he winked before spinning like Jack Evans and flopping on a neighbor’s lawn.