From the “I have absolutely no recollection of this ever being a thing (and for that I am very thankful because I probably would have wasted money on it)” comes a pair of advertisements from the September 1996 issue of The Official WWF Magazine for something called the WWF Travel Club!

“One Card. One Club. One Call.” Sadly “No Explanation” was omitted from the very sparse ad copy, which tells us that for just $39.95 (annually? monthly? daily?) we can get travel packages and opportunities to join your favorite SuperStars on exciting cruises, resort vacations, and weekend getaways. I read that and my mind goes wild with me and Roddy Piper hanging out in New York City. Cynical ol’ RD realizes it would more likely be me riding the Greyhound then picking up the tab for Henry Godwinn at Arby’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

But there wasn’t just one ad for whatever this thing was, but two! The second page amazingly has even LESS information, as it tells us only that fans are already in New York City for Survivor Series and the Hall of Fame ceremony. Good thing too, as the1996 Hall of Fame would be the last one for nearly a decade. You’d think that a Statue of Liberty with Hitman sunglasses would get tons of folks there but I guess not.
So I have to ask…did ANYONE partake of this exclusive club? Does anyone know of anyone who did? I need details people! Put ’em in the comments section below please so I can sleep better tonight!