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Squash of the Week
2 Cold Scorpio Does a 2023 SQUASH in 1992
911 vs. Jungle Jim Steele
A Big Big BIG Daddy V Squash…with Way Too Much Oil!
A Big John Studd Squash that Bobby Heenan is NOT Happy About!
A DINGO Warrior SQUASH in the WWF??
A Dr. Britt Baker Squash… But Not What You Think!
A Halloween SQUASH with a Vampire. A Vampire Named Kevin.
A Kimchee Squash???!!!!
A Matt Cardona SQUASH. Kinda.
A Ric Flair Squash Match. Wait, what?
A Very Happy Earthquake Squashes a Very Unhappy D’Lo Brown!
A Very Young Hulk Hogan Gives Us a SQUASH Fit For a King!
Ahmed Johnson vs Jake Steele
Ain’t No Squash Like a WCW Squash – Kaz Hayashi Takes On Sonny Onoo
Aja Kong vs. Chaparita Asari
An Outback Jack SQUASH Match? Tie Me Kangaroo Down!
Andre the Giant – 1974 Handicap Match
Arachniman Arachniman, Gives Us a SQUASH Like an Arachniman Can!
Asuka Gives us a Frosty SQUASH!
Bad News Brown Squashes a Jobber So Doughy It Makes Vince McMahon Sick!
Barry Horowitz Gets SQUASHED…by None Other Than Stan Hansen!
Bastion Booger vs. Mike Khoury
Batista Drinks Protein Shake Then Destroys Geek Who Gave It To Him
Big Show Squashes One of WWE’s Biggest Stars AND One of AEW’S Biggest Stars…at the SAME TIME!
Big Van Vader vs. Hogan… Randy Hogan
Big Van Vader vs. Scott McKever
Bigfoot Has Been Found…in Our SQUASH of the Week!
Bill Goldberg (aka Gold Billberg!) Shows Up on WCW Worldwide…and Doesn’t Seem Very Happy About It!
Bruiser Brody Pummels Al Snow and Friend
Cage of Agony Throws Geek 20 Feet in the Air for SQUASH of the Week!
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus – The Stupidest Squash Ever
Diesel vs. Bob Backlund
Doink The Clown vs. Scott Dane
Don Callis Hasn’t Shut Up in 25 Years…And We Prove It With SQUASH of the Week!
Don Muraco vs. a Meatball Submarine Sandwich
Doom vs. Mike Thor and Rock Hard Rick
Dynamite Kid Gives the World a CLASSIC SQUASH!
Earthquake vs. Jake Roberts in the GREATEST SQUASH IN HISTORY
Earthquake vs. Mark Young
El Gigante Wrestles a Guy From Seinfeld!
Giant Gonzalez Handicap Match
Goldberg Squashes Renegade…What Else Needs Be Said?
Goldberg vs. Reese
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Dances, Goes Rhyno Hunting in Our SQUASH of the Week!
Hacksaw Jim Duggan SQUASHES Playboy Buddy Rose! USA! USA! USA!
Have a Nice Day with This Cactus Jack SQUASH!
HBK & Diesel SQUASH Kanyon and His Partner With an AMAZING Perm-Mullet!
Heel Kenny Omega Proves Heel Kenny Omega is the Best Kenny Omega
Hopefully The Rock’s Match Is Longer At This Year’s WrestleMania!
Hulk Hogan vs. Rusty Brooks
It’s a Liv Morgan SQUASH (But Not As You’d Expect)!
Jake Roberts Literally Laughs at His Champ Opponent!
Jamie Hayter Give Us a SQUASH You’re NOT Going to Hate
Jim Neidhart SQUASHES One of the Harvey Boyz!
Jimmy Valiant Gives Us a Boogie Woogie Squash!
Junkyard Dog Gives Us the WORST SQUASH of the Week Yet!
Kamala vs. George “The Animal” Steele – Jungle SQUASH!
King Kong Bundy vs. Jeff Hardy
King Kong Bundy vs. S.D. Jones
Koko Ware vs. The Patriot
Kris Statlander Has an Elektric and Iconic SQUASH!
Lex Luger vs. Roadblock
Magnum TA vs. Bill Tabb
Meng takes on a VERY Young Edge
Mick Foley Battles Rocky! Rock & Sock Connection Implode? Not Quite!
Mick Foley Gets His Jaw Dislocated by the British Bulldogs
Midnight Express vs. a Very Smelly Jobber
Mortis Arrives Just in Time for a Scary SQUASH!
Mulkey Mania is Running Wild!
MVP Squashes Johnny Gargano. Who Is Apparently An Elf or Something.
Papa Shango Gives Us a Fiery SQUASH of the Week!
Paul Orndorff Has a Not So Wonderful SQUASH!
Paul Orndorff Squashes Disco Inferno in Wonderful Fashion!
Paul Orndorff Squashes the Dollar Tree Version of Jimmy Snuka
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ashton Day – Featuring the Most Brutal Spinbuster Ever Seen!
Randy Savage’s WWF Debut
Remember When Slick Managed Earthquake?
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy
Roddy Piper takes on AJ Petrucci with one hand behind his back
Samoa Joe vs. Gravity
Sandman vs. Macho Libre
Scott Hall Goes Full Razor Ramon BEFORE the WWF in SQUASH of the Week!
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Paul Fisher
Shawn Michaels Squashes a Jobber While (almost) Never Losing His Stupid Hat
Sid Vicious Clobbers Another Geek for Our Enjoyment!
Sid Vicious Gives Us a Legendary SQUASH of the Week!
Sid Vicious vs. a Jobber Who Looks Like Pudgy Richard Simmons
Skip vs. Barry Horowitz
Stan Hansen Destroys Dave Studemeyer
Stan Hansen Goes All Stan Hansen and It’s Glorious
Stan Hansen in ECW Battling Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal
Steiner Brothers vs. Bill Marcetti and Dan Farren
Taz vs. Joel Hartgood
Terry Funk Destroys a Jobber…and Ring Announcer Mel Phillips in an Infamous Match!
Terry Funk Hates Rick Springfield, Kills Geek in SQUASH of the Week
The 123 Kid SQUASHES Chris Hamrick (Who Nearly Kills Himself in Spectacular Manner)!
The Amazing Team of Sid Vicious and Stan Hansen BRUTALIZE Keith Hart and David Isley!!!
The Barbarian Earns His Antlers With a Mighty SQUASH!
The Berzerker Invades WCW, Rips Off Taz, and Has the Laziest SQUASH Ever
The Giant Destroys Four Jobbers…plus the Greatest Cross Bodyblock in Wrestling History!
The Giant vs. Chris Benoit
The Giant vs. the Power Company!
The Great Khali Has a Great Debut
The Halloween Phantom vs. Tom Zenk
The Hart Foundation Squash Some Geeks at the Biggest Show of the Year
The Islanders (with a NEW Member) SQUASH Outback Jack and…STEVE BLACKMAN??!!!
The Mountie vs. Matt Burn (aka Rob Van Dam)!
The Powers of Pain SQUASH Geeks And Are Apparently Managed by Sheev Palpatine
The Road Warriors vs. Bob Riddle & Rick Orasi
The Skyscrapers Meet a Jobber Who Doesn’t Want to Sell. It Goes Badly.
The Skyscrapers vs. The Ding Dongs
The Steiner Brothers vs. Tony Devito & PJ Walker
The Ultimate Warrior vs. Bob Emory
This Isn’t the Demolition You Remember…But They SQUASH Geeks Anyway!
Tugboat Squashes Bob Bradley So Viciously Hulk Hogan Geeks Out!
Tugboat Squashes Playboy Buddy Rose
Undertaker is Unrecognizable in His Debut Squash!
Vader Squashes Nash!
Vader vs. Inoki Leads to an Actual RIOT
Wardlow vs. Vinny Pacifico
Waylon Mercy SQUASHES a Young Jeff Hardy…You Know What I Mean?
WWE Champion Kofi Kingston Gets SQUASHED~~!!
Xanta Klaus vs. Scott Taylor
Yokozuna vs. Bill Jordan