Insane Survivor Series Ticket Prices, Swerve-Hangman, Bobby Heenan in the nWo, and RD’s Favorite Wrestling Shirt!

Survivor Series tickets

Craziness of the week: saw that even kinda crummy tickets for Survivor Series were going for over $1,000. SURVIVOR SERIES!!! I happened to be in Vegas this week and saw that UFC was doing a show at the Sphere. Tickets for that event are like 4x as much. Granted, I am not in the target demo (or even of the demo for folks going to Target any more), but that’s absolutely insane. Good for TKO, but man this industry has passed me by. Onto the mailbag…

Arya kicks us off with a syringe in the mouth…”Thoughts on the last 45 seconds of the Swerve-Hangman match? Personally I was not a fan and it took away a lot of the enjoyment I had of the match.”

I am not a fan of garbage wrestling in general. By that I mean matches where stuff like glass, light tubes, and barbed wire is involved. I guess you can now add SYRINGES to the list. I knew it would be a horror show and I honestly almost shut the show off before that match. Probably should have, because up to that I had greatly enjoyed All Out, save for the plastic bag over Danielson’s head. Again, garbage wrestling that ain’t for me. I don’t hold it against folks that do, but just not my jam.

Ahmer A wants to know…”Can’t the Learning Tree be inducted into Wrestlecrap, or better yet, be given the 2024 Gooker?
I mean, come on, it’s just a matter of time.”

I actually have generally enjoyed this schtick with Jericho. It’s not his best – I LOVED that ridiculous list stuff he did with Owens in WWE. That was also completely over the top and ridiculous. Some folks hate that too. But at this stage, I don’t see Jericho becoming a ***** bout machine like Will Ospreay or something. Have him do goofy comedy on the undercard please.

Dustin N asks…”Forgotten Jimmy Hart acts like The Machine/Hale and the New First Family have been inducted. Are there plans to induct his other forgotten team, the New Master Blasters?”

I mean, yes, but I had totally forgotten them. Send me links of footage and I will see what I can do. 🙂

Mike M wants to know…”What if Bobby Heenan shocked the world by joining the NWO shortly after they debuted, thus giving us true heel Brain on commentary for Nitro and PPVs?”

I don’t see Bobby working at any level with them. I was going to say the Bobby of the mid 80’s before all his neck issues where he was bumping like a mad man would have been great, but the nWo never really sold so that wouldn’t have worked either. Bobby’s my all time favorite wrestling performer, but that’s an oil and water mix, no no no.

Craig B is putting on the ritz with…”What’s your favorite wrestling shirt that you own?”

This one:

Has all the books on the back and those look amazing. Those book covers were a lot of fun, so it’s kinda cool to have them on a shirt! I have I think three of those shirts in the closet, just in case the first one gets worn out. 😉

Jeremy W asks…”As a fellow Prime Time Wrestling fan who’s seen his fair share of squash matches and jobbers, was there ever a ham and egger you felt could have been somebody in the WWF with a push?”

I think Iron Mike Sharpe should have gotten a push. I loved the fact that he bellowed gibberish constantly in his matches for no good reason. And I know I can’t be the only one.

Matt M ponders…”If you booked a battle royal with every single WrestleCrap contributor over the last 24 years, who do you think would win?”

By “contributor”, I am guessing you mean folks who have written for the site. If that’s the case, I think it could only come down to two men: Blade and John Thomas of Chase Meridian Master Charge. I see them clotheslining each other over the top rope simultaneously and the past dues never being resolved.

Matthew J wraps us up with…”How do you plan on celebrating the upcoming 25th of the “Ready to Rumble”?”

Bigger question – how should we celebrate the 25th anniversary of I was thinking my retirement. What say you?

And with that, another mailbag comes to a close. Keep sending in those questions rightchere!

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