Hangman Page Burns Down Swerve’s House, NFL Wrestlers, and RD Reviews Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!

Hangman Page

Went and saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice last night, thought it was good and in quite a few ways better than the original. My feeling on the first one was that it should have had more Michael Keaton in it, and this one does just that without ever feeling like he was jammed into scenes with shoehorns and bacon grease. So yeah, recommend it. Also, a quick note that I may or may not be doing a live chat of All Out on Saturday, as I am triple booked at this point so it’s up in the air. I definitely want to check that show out, if for no other reason than that Ospreay vs. Pac should be the banger to end all bangers. With all that said, let’s hit the mailbag!

Robert R kicks us off with…”Are you on team Hangman or team Swerve?”

I like both guys. I think they’re both really good so it’s honestly a coin flip. Can we talk about the utter lunacy of the final build for that match for a second? So on the show, we get a video package of Swerve buying his childhood home. I would assume this is in Washington or wherever. In less than two hours, Hangman has seen this video, discovered where this house is, flown or driven there, set up furniture outside it, bought some booze, and got some gasoline. He then burns it to the ground. INSIDE OF TWO HOURS HE HAS DONE ALL THIS. And why? To build up a match. I LOVE PRO WRESTLING.

Mike M wants to know…”Thoughts on the upcoming McMahon Netflix docuseries?”

I was fairly excited for it but that was dampened greatly when I saw the trailer. Once again, we see the same old talking heads saying the same old stuff. Make no mistake about it, Vince is the greatest wrestling promoter to have ever lived, but if it’s just six more hours of Rock, Bischoff, and Prichard talking about smokey arenas and other tired nonsense, I have no interest. The jury is out, but keep in mind Netflix is producing this and they are now using WWE programming on their service. Here’s hoping it’s better than what we’ve seen so far.

David N asks…”As its the start of the NFL season, best and worst American football to wrestler transition? Go Eagles!”

I always loved Brian Pillman, so he’s my personal favorite to make the transition. And God bless Steve McMichael, but he was all kinds of horrible in the ring.

Simon L continues the football talk with…”Is the NFL going to rig it for the Chiefs to win 3 in a row?”

I don’t know that it’s rigged, but after last night’s game where the Ravens had a chance to win and lost by a fraction of an inch I may consider them the luckiest team I’ve ever seen. That was even more evident earlier when Pacheco was tackled and literally rolled over bodies to get to a first down. I remember watching other teams get lucky like this throughout my NFL fandom, like the Steelers with Bradshaw or the Patriots with Brady. All that said, while I promise you the NFL would like nothing more than to see the Chiefs complete the hat trick, I think it’s more luck than anything being rigged.

Sean B ponders…”Why is Believe It Or Not such an awesome TV show theme?”

You sent the theme to The Greatest American Hero, which is definitely an awesome song, but when I think of a TV show with “Believe it or not”…

…my go to is always JACK PALANCE.

He truly is my number one guy.

Chad A gets our dander up with…”First heel you cheered and first baby face you hated?”

Heel is easy, that was always Randy Savage. He was so cool and so amazing to watch whether that be in the ring or during interviews. As far as a babyface, I didn’t really HATE him when I first started watching, but Hulk Hogan was someone I did not cheer for because I found his opponents like Savage or Roddy Piper more interesting. I will forever remember those 80s shows when Hogan would come out and just closing my eyes and absorbing the crowd energy. Even to this day, I don’t know I’ve ever experience anything quite like being in the crowd during the heyday of Hulkamania.

Arya W wraps us up with…”Could Clarence Mason get Hangman off his pending arson charges?”

I mean, someone has to, right? The fans in the arena were literally chanting “THIS IS ARSON!” And honestly, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a better chant than that one in the history of pro wrestling!

And with that, I bid you adieu. Maybe see you for All Out, maybe not, but in the meantime keep sending those questions in!

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