AEW TV Deal, NXT CW Debut, Jim Cornette, Jimmy Garvin, Weird Al, and Tons More!


Soooo…anything happen this week? I kid, I kid. NXT had a big debut on CW and AEW signed a massive rights increase so both of the big companies are on a roll. For anyone who thinks this is anything but a good thing for everyone involved, especially you and me as fans, I don’t know what to tell you. Competition is always a good thing. How long have I ben preaching this? Eh, haters gonna hate and carnies gonna carnie. And SPEAKING OF CARNIES…

Dan T kicks us off with…”What is your opinion of Jim Cornette?”

Same as it has been for a long, long time, since the advent of his podcast in fact. Jim Cornette is an incredibly, amazingly entertaining personality who understands where his bread is buttered. He knows how to drive his audience and get buy-in. He’s not going to say things they don’t want to hear, he is going to drive whatever narrative that gets him the largest audience. And good for him for that. But to think that folks like Cornette or Eric are saying anything “from the heart” is laughable. I would think that would be patently obvious but every day that goes by I realize there’s a lot of folks that are overwhelmed by the man’s charm. Again, good for him.

Mike M wants to know…”Favorite subject in high school?”

I very much enjoyed my English class. I had a teacher who actually graded one of my essays with a comment of “You’d make a very good critic.” I always remember that, and I think that may have been part of what led me to this here website in fact. I actually sent him a copy of my first book. Hopefully he got a kick out of that.

Charles B ponders…”Has there been anything award worthy this year? I am having a hard time thinking of any nominees.”

Agreed. It’s like everyone has been on their best behavior! There’s been some bad matches but as far as bad characters or storylines, not so much. I will say however that if I never, ever see the Iron Savages on my screen again I’d be a happy Crapper.

Ralph A has a pocket full of quarters and he’s headed to the arcade with…”What’s the best, or your favorite pac-man puzzle game outside of pac-man and ms. pac-man that isn’t an anniversary edition.”

By ‘puzzle’ game I assume you are referring to the standard eat the dots variety not like Pac-Attack or something. So many choices. I know a lot of folks HATE Super Pac-Man, but I always kinda dug it and am pretty good at it. Probably helped there was a great version of it on for the old Atari 8-bit computer line. I’d put Jr. Pac-Man in the same boat. Home conversions were such a big deal that I would also put the Odyssey2 KC Munchkin on the list as well. But if I had to choose one as my all time favorite, it’s Pac-Man Battle Royale. I’d be so happy to put one at Rupert’s but they are absurdly overpriced so it’s probably not happening, It’s an incredible party game and we bust that out on the XBox 360 from time to time. But man…I WANT that machine!

Aaron M asks…”What theme song was wasted on a wrestler or gimmick that didn’t have the opportunity showcase it?”

I always thought Rob Conway’s theme was fantastic and I don’t think he was given any real chance.

Chad A wants to know…”What was your ultimate dream match that never ended up happening?”

I mean, Hogan vs. Austin is the easy answer but I would have loved to have seen the Steiners vs. British Bulldogs. The fact their primes missed each other by a few years is a shame.

David B gets in the biz with…”If you were booking AEW, who would you choose as the fourth member of the new Hurt Business? Assuming that Lashley’s on his way in of course.”

Powerhouse Hobbs ready to come back yet?

Sean B asks…”Who would you cast in a movie about Uncle Burt’s life?”

Tom Selleck is too old, but he would have made for a great Uncle Burt I think.

Meagan N ponders…”Since weird al is going back on tour, what’s your favorite album and or song from the weird one?”

That varies by the day, impossible to name just one. I can’t tell you an album as they all blur to me, but a few of my fave songs would be Eat It, Dare to Be Stupid, Hardware Store, White & Nerdy, Trapped in the Drive Thru, and Smells Like Nirvana. I’m sure I’m forgetting a ton. I also absolutely love his unreleased parody he did of Alanis Morisette’s Thank You. But I’m sure I’m forgetting a ton.

Marko B wraps us up with…”Thoughts on Jimmy Garvin’s 5 minutes in the WWF?”

Wasn’t long enough. I always thought Jimmy was fantastic, and the fact he was in the wrestling business and remained married to Precious (“Her name is Patty!”) since, no joke, 1972 (!!!!!) is incredible. I know I said “good for him” about Cornette above, I’d say not good but GREAT for JIMMY GARVIN AND PRECIOUS!!!

And that’s it for this week! Tons I didn’t get to this week, but keep bringing those questions my way!

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