AEW Now Selling Official AEW Plastic Bags

AEW Bryan Danielson Jon Moxley plastic bag

Jacksonville, FL – All Elite Wrestling has added a new item to the official online store. For the first time ever, fans can now purchase the AEW Plastic Bag.

The new piece of merchandise, inspired by Jon Moxley suffocating Bryan Danielson at All Out, is now available for fans of all ages. Despite the questionable taste, AEW is “all in” on playing up their controversial angles.

“It’s fun for the whole family!” said AEW leader Tony Khan. “For the low, low price of $200, you too can reenact one of All Elite Wrestling’s most talked-about moments that didn’t involve CM Punk.”

While many have pointed out that the $200 item is a simple plastic take-out bag with “AEW” written in Sharpie, that has not stopped die-hard fans from purchasing it.

“Look at me! I’m The American Dragon!” said 38-year-old Darren French outside a Collision taping before passing out from oxygen deprivation.

“It’s the perfect call-back to the famous angle with Terry Funk,” explained Kelsey Muldoon. “Also, it’s really good for carrying my lunch to work.”

AEW is looking to capitalize on the buzz with plans to also sell official cinder blocks, syringes, gas cans, and lead paint chips.

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